Bloggerspassion of Anil Agarwal
Interview with the owner of Bloggerspassion – Anil Agarwal
I have been silently following his blog for a long time. I have been always a fan of his humility and persistence.
He is one of the rapid-rising bloggers in the blogging world. He has his own tribes of followers.
Those of you who don’t know him, he is the owner of If you have never been there, I would strongly encourage you to check this blog out.
You can find a ton of honest tips on Search engine optimization and blogging success. We, at Sprout-Flowers, follow and share most of his WordPress support tips with our clients.
Let me stop the rambling and get right into his interview:

Credit: Bloggerspassion
#1. Can you share what made you start the Bloggerspassion?
I’ve been blogging for over a decade now and I’ve learned a lot along the way.
Blogging has come a long way. Blogging was just a word when I entered into the world of blogging.
Back then, I used to depend mostly on AdSense, offering SEO services, buying websites and so on to make money online.
Gone are the days where you can still rely on monetization strategies like AdSense.
Now, you’ll have to focus on providing value with your content to be able to generate income from a blog.
#2. Is there anywhere we can find you other than your blog?
My blog is the best place where you can get in touch with me as I’m not so much active on social media sites but you can follow me on Twitter from here. Just say hi and I’d be glad to reply back to you.
#3. Is there any special services you offer to your blog followers?
Here are some of the SEO consulting services I offer from my blog where you can learn how to build a money making blog even if you’re a beginner.
#4. What is the one strategy that worked well for you to get more traffic to bloggerspassion?
Content marketing is the answer.
If you want to get more traffic to your blog especially from search engines like Google, make sure to create content that is in-depth and adds REAL value to your target audience.
Never create generic content as it won’t fetch you any results both in terms of traffic or links or sales.
Your content should help you easily build rapport with your audience and they should trust you.
We have been publishing over 2000 word articles on our blog Bloggers Passion since 2014 and we are seeing some tremendous results since then.
We not only quadrupled our search engine traffic but average monthly income has now grown up to over $5000 each month.
All thanks to content marketing.
#5. Are there any premium tools or plugins you would recommend?
We use a lot of premium tools on Bloggers Passion and here are of the best premium tools we highly recommend for better results in the long run.
SEMrush: SEMrush is the all in one SEO toolkit that helps with keyword research where you can find all the keyword metrics like top search results, competition analysis, relevant keywords along with the search volume, CPC of the keyword and so on.
Yoast SEO premium: Yoast SEO is the most downloaded SEO plugin which has been used by millions of people worldwide.
Although it offers a free version but we are currently using the paid version (which just costs $70 a year) that offers incredible features like interlink suggestions, focusing multiple keywords with each post and so on.
VaultPress: If you want to safeguard all your website files in case of accidental data loss, plugins like VaultPress come in handy which offers automated backups stored in their offsite digital vault in real time, so your data is always safe.
#6. How much time do you spend on blogging versus your personal/family time?
Is there any time management strategy you use to run your blog efficiently?
I usually spend 7 to 8 hours on my blog.
I personally take care of my website’s SEO and I spend most of my time doing competitor analysis, knowing latest trends around SEO and marketing and coming up with new ideas to take my blog to the next level.
Weekends are usually spent with my family.
That being said, if you’re a blogger and want to use your time productively online, I’ve a quick tip for you: use the pomodoro technique.
Here’s how it works. Choose a task to be accomplished (it can be anything from writing an article to creating a video) and set the Pomodoro to 25 minutes (you can use a Pomodoro timer or app, search online).
Work on the task until the Pomodoro rings, then take a short break (5 minutes break).
For every 4 Pomodoros, you can take a longer break of 15 to 30 minutes. That’s how you can stay focused while working online.
#7. How would you like to improve your blog in the next year?
Last year, our blog received over 1 million visitors and we’re aiming to get at least 5 million visitors and even more per year by the end of 2019.
I personally believe that search engine traffic is the best way to increase profits of a website.
Apart from that, we’re also planning to offer premium courses, 1 on 1 coaching and so on to help beginner bloggers to build money making blogs.
#8. Were there any failures in your blogging journey or life and what did you learn from that?
Unlike most of the other bloggers, I’m grateful for all the mistakes I made so far.
Because of those mistakes, I learned blogging the hard way. I believe that blogging is all about hustle.
The more you hustle the better results you’ll get in the long run.
Just focus on learning from your mistakes and try new things to build a profitable website online.
#9. What is your greatest success in blogging journey?
There are so many moments when I get a huge pump up in blogging and I still get goosebumps whenever I get a new link from authority sites like Problogger, Neil Patel, Huffington Post etc.
Whenever I make more sales through affiliate marketing, it makes me happy and helps you work even harder on my blogging goals.
#10. While putting in so many hours daily, what are the ways you motivate yourself to keep the blog up and running?
That’s a great question. Working on small chunks always works like a charm.
We often don’t feel comfortable while working on a huge task or project and that’s the reason why we constantly look for motivation.
I often break large chunks of my work into the day to day tasks so I can focus on finishing my daily goals.
For example, if I had to write a 10,000+ word article on some topic, instead of waiting for inspiration, I write 1000 words a day to finish the whole task within 10 days.
Once your blog starts making a decent income every month, you tend to work more to earn even more.
I think results give you enough motivation to work harder. But when you’re starting out, don’t wait for motivation as you barely see any results in terms of traffic or sales.
Focus on long term goals, think big, start small and that’s how you can constantly motivate yourself to work hard to achieve all your blogging goals.
#11. Any word of advice for new bloggers to become successful?
Don’t ignore SEO.
If you’re new to blogging, make sure to use a self-publishing platform like WordPress as it gives you full control over your site unlike other free blogging platforms like Blogger and it’s also great for SEO.
Whether you know it or not, search traffic is the lifeblood of any profitable website that makes profits. If you’re struggling to increase your search traffic, you’ll struggle to make money blogging.
It’s as simple as that, so don’t ignore SEO.
Make sure to learn SEO as there are so many SEO training courses online that help you easily learn everything from keyword research to link building easily.
Don’t write another blog post without doing keyword research and also learn about keyword optimization to rank higher in search engines like Google.
Hope you have enjoyed reading his experience and tips as much as I did. Please share you enjoyed the most at the comment section below: