
Kinsta WordPress Hosting Reviewed (2021)

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Do you want to invest in a WordPress hosting provider that can keep your WordPress site secure and backed up? Then, we have a perfect WordPress-managed host for you. You must have heard about Kinsta and the hype related to it. But if you are hesitant to try it out yourself, then we can help. In this review, we will look at all the different features of the hosting provider that make it one of the best. Getting confused between other hosting providers like Cloudways and WP Engine, but Kinsta is the one that stands out from the rest. We have curated an in-depth review of the hosting provider to make the choice easier for you. Let’s look at all the features of this hosting provider, and what it has to offer. 

What Is Kinsta Hosting?


Kinsta Review


Kinsta is one of the most famous managed WordPress hosting platforms. It offers several extra services along with the core hosting ones. You can find a ton of features like PHP self-healing, automatic daily backups, free CDN, hack and malware removal, automatic database optimization, site cloning, and so much more. Kinsta offers a variety of value-added services that can benefit the end-user. Since it is powered by Google’s cloud platform, it is a bit higher in cost compared to other WordPress hosting providers. 

Kinsta WordPress hosting is cloud-based, and it is powered by the reliable Google Cloud Platform. This makes it a trusted but expensive choice. Since Kinsta is a cloud-based VPS hosting solution, it is fully managed, and several new features are added to the core hosting solution. It also gives you an option to purchase the extra services separately. However, it will increase the overall pricing of the hosting provider. Users can also go for pricier plans if they want to take advantage of the extra features. 


Some Of The Best Features Of KInsta Managed WordPress Hosting 

Kinsta offers a range of features to their clients. In addition to the core hosting services, you will also have access to more features that make it a better option. Let’s look at some of the significant features it offers before moving on to the rest of the Kinsta reviews. 



CDN is an integral step in speeding up your WordPress site. It speeds up the website by serving static files from CDN servers instead of the hosting provider server. The CDN servers are distributed globally, meaning when a person visits a website, the CDN serves static and cached files from the server that is nearest to the visitor. This lowers the delivery time and speeds up the website. 

Kinsta has partnered with KeyCDN, and they offer CDN services to their clients and subscribers. The users have not charged anything extra for using CDN, it is included in the monthly pricing plan. Since they use CDN and offer services to users as well, your site will always remain fast and accessible. This allows for a better user experience and gives you a chance to rank your website higher. 


Hack and Malware Removal



WordPress websites are always prone to the possibility of getting hacked and getting infected by malware. The websites are often vulnerable to such attacks due to plugins and themes installed to them. Some poorly coded or unsecured themes and plugins can increase the chances of exploitation by hackers. Thus, unsecured plugins and themes are some of the most significant reasons for WordPress websites getting compromised. 

This is why you need a managed hosting provider that can recover your website without any additional cost if it is compromised by malware. Kinsta offers this unique feature that is not offered by any other hosting provider in the market. Even if you have an infected website and you want to shift it to Kinsta, you have an option to do that by paying an additional $100 along with your hosting charges. This way, you will get your site cleaned and can host it on Kinsat servers. 


Self-Healing Technology


PHP scripting language is used to create a WordPress website. This script serves as the backbone of your website. However, a couple of PHP errors can take a WordPress website down and make it unavailable to visitors. The user experience can be compromised due to PHP errors, and it can affect your Google rankings. 

With Kinsta, users get a self-healing technology that will restart PHP when it goes down. This feature will ensure that your site is accessible at all times and your rankings don’t take a hit because of PHP errors. This is a great addition to the many features offered by Kinsta. Your user experience will not be compromised due to PHP errors and your sales will not suffer. 




Every WordPress hosting solution comes with the support of the hosting provider. They are available for the users, they listen to the queries and provide complete assistance. Kinsta also offers complete support to its clients, and because it uses a cloud-based VPS solution from Google Cloud Platform, it is much easier to scale. 

Kinsta also offers you full control to upgrade or downgrade as many times as you like within your billing cycle. The price of the plan is calculated on a  pro-rata basis. This means the unused time for the older plan and the remaining time for the new plan will be calculated in the current billing cycle. They are very accurate with their billing and calculate the time to the last second. Meaning you will only pay for the time you used. 


SSD Storage


Since Kinsta uses SSD storage drives, they can help you improve your website load speed. They don’t use the traditional spinning drives for storage, as they are slow with low Inputs Outputs Per Second (IOPS). This means the storage drives read and write the data slowly. The SSD storage drives are faster, and Google expects your website to be fast. These drives are one of the many factors that can affect your website speed, and the SSD drives will ensure your website is operating at top speed. 


Professional Site Migration 


When you buy a Kinsta hosting plan, you are automatically entitled to professional site migration. You can get more professional site migrations as well, the maximum you can get is five. Under the professional site migration, the qualified technicians of Kinsta will migrate your site without any downtime. 

The folders and files are first moved to the Kinsta server. Afterward, they will ask you to direct them to a domain name to the Kinsta server, and they will take care of the rest. Since it will be done by professionals, your site will experience no downtime or errors in the process. If there are some issues, the Kinsta team will fix them and get your site online as soon as possible. 


Automatic Database Optimization 


Kinsta also performs automatic database optimization every week. Optimizing and cleaning your database regularly is an integral part of a speedy website. The database stores several unwanted and obsolete files like deleted plugins that can become a dead weight. This weight needs to be cleaned regularly to ensure your website doesn’t get slow and starts lagging. 

If your database is not filled with obsolete and unused files, it will directly influence the site’s speed. Since Kinsta looks into your database every week and optimizes it free of charge, you will never have to do it manually. This feature is not offered by any other hosting provider in the market. Thus, choosing Kinsta over other providers makes more sense. As Kinsta will take care of your database, the likelihood of anything going wrong also goes down. 


Staging Environment


Kinsta allows the users to build a staging environment for their live website. This means you can try adding features or doing changes on the clone of your website and decide if you want to roll it out in the production environments. This will allow the users to review the changes before they are rolled out on the website. 

The changes in the staging environment will not impact your live website and ensure the user experience is not compromised. Once you have made all the changes and you are satisfied with them, you can move on to the production and implement roll the features to your live website. 


SSH Access


All Kinsta plans give SSH access to the users. They can use this command-line interface to tunnel into the server files or to the database securely. This is one of the greatest security features offered by the hosting provider. The user will need the SSH key pair to use this feature. In the event, you are not aware of the SSH keys and SSH terminal, you can refer to some tutorials and learn about using the same. 


Daily Automatic Backups



Creating a backup of your WordPress site is mandatory. You need to create a backup of everything from files, folders to the database. Creating a backup will ensure that you can restore your website in case you get attacked by malware and lose your data. With a backup, you can restore your website yourself, and you won’t have to wait for the Kinsta team. 

Although, creating a manual backup every day can be a tedious and time-consuming task. This is why Kinsta takes the backup of your website every day and retains it for 14 days. You also get the option to backup your site manually. And if your site is somehow messed up, you can restore it using the backup point you created. Also, we would suggest taking a backup before you install a new plugin or theme to be prepared in case anything goes wrong. 


SSL Certificates


All Kinsta plans come with an option of free SSL from Let’s Encrypt. The SSL can be deployed to your domain via a single click. Even though installing an SSL certificate from providers like Let’s Encrypt and others are a bit difficult, that is not the case with Kinsta. Even if you don’t want to use the free SSL provided with your KInsta plan, you can import it on your site from the dashboard. The process of deploying and importing it is extremely simple and allows you to enable HTTPS on your website quickly. 


PHP Stack Choice



Kinsta offers the users to choose from several versions of PHP like PHP 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4. Users can choose the PHP stack and use it directly from their Kinsta dashboard. Switching between the stack is also simple. If you are not happy with the one you selected, you can change it without any issue. 

Kinsta Hosting Pricing Details



Kinsta offers 8 managed WordPress hosting plans, and users can choose from them according to their needs. The plans range from Started and Pro plans, along with four plans for Business and two for Enterprises. The details about the Kinsta plans are:

  • The Starter Plan is priced at $30 per month. It can be used for one WordPress install, 25,000 visits, and 10 GB disk space. 
  • The Pro Plan is priced at $60 per month. It can be used for two WordPress installs, 50,000 visits, and 20 GB of disk space. 
  • The Business Plans start from $100 per month. They can be used for three WordPress installs, 100,000 visits, and 30 GB disk space. 
  • The Enterprise Plans start from $600 per month. They can be used for 60 WordPress installs, 1,000,000 visits, and 1000 GB disk space. 

If the user pays annually, they can get two months free. All the plans offered by Kinsta include free CDN access, and a free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate. They also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on all their plans. Hence, you can try their plan without worrying about financial investment. 


Final Words 


From the above features, you can see that Kinsta managed hosting providers come with a range of services and benefits. The features they offer are unmatched by any other hosting provider in the market. Choosing them will ensure maximum uptime for your websites and improved performance. In addition to an array of features, you also get access to some of the most supportive and experienced staff.

Although the pricing is a bit on the higher side, the features you get make the investment worthwhile. If you are still confused about whether or not Kinsta is right for you, we would give it a huge thumbs up. The many many features and 30-day money-back guarantee all give it an edge in the market. If you decide to go with Kinsta, as your hosting provider, you will not regret it in the slightest! We hope our Kinsta reviews have cleared your doubts and help you make the right choice. 


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